Don’t get your MBA

Unless your school offers a high bang for your bucks:

business schoolNote the poor return on educational investment for the Ivy League schools.  And only 3 of the MBA programs shown offer a positive return (i.e., the little red bar is further to the right than the blue area).

Which MBA offers the best return on investment? That depends on whether you are after a long- or short-term gain. Our chart shows the cost of an MBA at selected business schools after taking into account tuition fees and forgone salary. Two-year courses at prestigious American institutions are the most expensive. An MBA at Wharton costs $330,000 on average, in part because it enrolls well-paid executives. But the immediate return on such degrees is small. Graduates tend to land jobs just a few notches above the ones they left.  (emphasis added)

The moral of the story: don’t go to graduate school, especially for an MBA.


Categories: Debt, Graduate School, Hmm, Job Skills, MBA programs, Opportunity Cost, Stupid People

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